The Veeam Experience

With Veeam, our data is secure, and so is our peace of mind.

As an enterprise, managing and protecting all information is a top priority.

From Teams messages to Outlook data, to customer and employee information, to business strategies and payroll records.

Not only can this information be confidential, it’s also critical to keep your business running.

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Enterprises Today
Face Immense Challenges

Data growth and data management

Cybersecurity threats and data breaches

Compliance with regulations and standards

Cloud data protection

Insider threats

Lack of visibility and control

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At Veeam, we’re here to help you experience radical resilience amidst the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Recover Your Data Faster in Times of Crisis.

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Any data, Anywhere you need it, Recovered safely and reliably.

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And at Veeam, we’re here to help you experience a peace of mind amidst the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Unlike Veritas, Veeam will give you solutions that are simple, powerful, efficient, and safe. All at once.

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That’s the Veeam experience.

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Don’t believe us? Just read on.

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The Veritas Experience

With Veritas’ cumbersome deployment, data protection is often time consuming and inefficient.

You need far more Professional Service to deploy and configure advanced features. And yet, Veritas still lacks several restoration options and only offers basic recovery orchestration.

What happens when you’re actually faced with an emergency and have to restore data quickly?

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A Lonely Road

Your IT staff have little knowledge on how to properly configure Veritas’ backup solutions and cannot use the advanced functionalities on their own.

How do you get help more efficiently and not feel like you’re left alone with unsalvageable problems if your Veritas administrator unexpectedly departs?

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Your Answer is Veeam.

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The Veeam Experience

With Veeam’s simpler infrastructure and intuitive features, Veeam administrators do not require high expertise of professional services to learn how to work the solution. Your IT manager and backup admin can now catch a break.

Need a helping hand?

Veeam also offers clear user guides, how-to videos, and user forums for administrators to set up advanced functionalities on their own.

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With Veeam, you can deploy and manage your data protection with much lesser staff and time that Veritas needs.

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With Veritas, you’ll also find that you have to spend more time and resources on your administrators:

Veritas has a smaller pool of users compared to Veeam

Veritas requires weeks of training duration while Veeam only needs days

Veritas has a lack of resources and user guides online

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I know, that’s a lot of talk from us. But don’t just take our words. Hear it from our customers.

Hear it from our customers on TrustRadius Continue Scrolling

"Thanks to the data protection capabilities we’ve gained from Veeam, we’re in a stronger position than ever to deliver high-quality information services to staff, students and faculty across UIA.”

Universidad Iberoamericana

Read the case studies Continue Scrolling

Oh, are you already locked down?

We want you to get the best experience with data protection. And so, you shouldn’t settle for less just because you’ve said yes before.

Experience Radical Resilience Today

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